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You are viewing Cheat Codes for LA Street Racing System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2007-12-03 18:55:01 Views : 27960 Taking Turns Using the mini-map on the screen, try to judge the sharpness of upcoming turns. There are many different types of turns within the game, varying from sharp 90 degree turns to small gradual turns. The racing line must be followed throughout each turn to avoid losing speed through the turn or crashing into the barrier around the track. Basically, the racing line is the best path through the turn that will give you the most speed as you exit the turn. The easiest thing to remember while taking a turn is to hold the inside line through the turn. If any of the following turns are combined into one turn, just use the techniques given for each turn and combine them together (for example, the S-Turn, is basically just two gradual turns placed one after another). Braking Techniques Using your brakes wisely can mean the difference between a win and a loss. The most important thing to remember is to always brake in a straight line, as you prepare for the upcoming turn. If you try to brake while making a turn, it might result in a skid and your car taking damage from crashing into the course barrier or any other obstacle on the course. Also, try not to hold down the brake key, always try to tap the brake in short intervals, this will prevent you from entering a slide (since there is no ABS in the game) and losing speed as you enter the turn. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more LA Street Racing cheat codes.
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